Another Story

We all contain a number of stories... Do not make assumptions or judgements about someone's story when you only know a few paragraphs. Our plots and storylines continually change and develop.
A few years ago I found a beautiful bunch of flowers anonymously put on my desk in my office at work. The gesture and flowers were beautiful and I enjoyed them for the next few days. Then I enjoyed them as they died and some of their petals fell off. And I have enjoyed them ever since, fading and drying in my studio over the years... each time presenting a new story. These thoughts and story is what inspired this image. Thank you for reading this part of my story...

Before and after... As per usual, if you have any questions (about my process, the editing, or anything really), then please send me a message and I will assist.

The colour yellow...
If you know me well, you will know that yellow is my least favourite colour! I will very rarely wear anything with yellow and will avoid surrounding myself with anything yellow. Only nature does yellow well... sunshine, flowers, fish and more! But every now and then, yellow speaks to me and will feature in my portfolio. In the case of "Another Story" it was the only colour that felt right. Here is my current "yellow" collection...
