Presentation: Fish Hoek Photographic Society - 6 March 2017

I am very honoured to be presenting "An Introduction to Fine Art Conceptual Photography" at an upcoming Fish Hoek Photographic Society meeting. All Cape Town locals are invited to attend :)
Fish Hoek Photographic Society
6 March 2017
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Methodist Church (in the small hall)
1st Avenue, Fish Hoek
* R20 FHPS Members - R50 non-members
I had so much fun putting together this presentation! The jam-packed agenda will be as follows:
1. Introduction
2. My Photographic Journey
3. Inspiration
4. Overview of my Portfolio
5. Self-portraiture: Why & How
6. My Equipment
7. Compositing: Why & How
8. Before & After Examples
9. Example: A look at the pieces that build an elaborate composite
10. My favourite Photoshop tools and how I use them
11. My typical Photoshop workflow
12. Example: An in-depth look at a Photoshop file for a composited image
13. Q&A
* There will be a small charge to attend the presentation. This is to cover
the hall hire and refreshments. Cost is R20 for Fish Hoek Photographic
Society members and R50 for non-members.