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Chasing Butterflies: The Visitor

Model: Farrell Davids

It makes my heart so happy to share the second (and third) image in my “Chasing Butterflies” series. I think “The Visitor” is my favourite image I have created this year!

Together with the first image of this series “Gathering of the Army” and the still to be created last image, “The Visitor” will form a set within the “Chasing Butterflies” series. Because it is always fun to have good friends visit for a catch up before departing for travels.

I met Farrell in 2004 on the first day I started rock climbing and we have been friends ever since. He is definitely one of the coolest dudes I know. A real gentleman and a true genuine soul. I am very honoured to be able to include him in one of my fine art images and especially as part of this series.

- Happy visits :)

I had been pondering for some time as to how I was going to get Farrell to pose for me. Just as I had been scheming this, he asked me if I would take some headshots/formal type images for him to use for work. Perfect! He gets some headshots and I get my model. And I still get “payment” for the headshots in the form of speed flying lessons! Whoohooo :) :)

- Before & after processing video for "The Visitor"...

When I was going through the images from this set I kept coming back to this “flop” that created itself as I was busy checking my camera settings and my camera caught Farrell fidgeting about. I could not resist creating another image as all travel comes with some head spinning chaos...

- The Chaos -

- The "Chasing Butterflies" series so far...

A few of the headshots/formal images I created for my friend in my little home studio...

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