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Chasing Butterflies: Gathering of the Army

It is with great excitement, love and gratitude that I introduce the start of a special new series…

“Chasing Butterflies”

…with the first image in the series…

“Gathering of the Army”

I have been itching to do a big series for some time now and felt that my Europe 2016 travels would be the perfect opportunity to create the stories I wanted for my series.

But why have I chosen to launch this series I meant to create on my travels, with an image taken in my little studio at home? Because for me travel starts at home, with a head full of dreams… In fact, the first few images of this series were created at home while I was preparing for my travels.

- Behind the scenes in my little studio at home.

For this series I have chosen to chase butterflies through my journey. I find butterflies to be very powerful symbols with which to tell a story or convey emotions. Join me on my journey as I chase hopes, dreams, change, beauty, quiet, flight, emotions and more…

- Before & after processing video...

Note: To create this image, I used 38 butterflies. Each were individually photographed and composited into the image. None were repeated. A much bigger task than I anticipated, but so worth it when I look at the completed image :) :)

I love how the closeup/detail shot of the branches I used to create "Gathering of the Army" formed its own image…

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