Book Cover: The Dark Beloved by Helen Falconer - UK
Super excited to share my first book cover :) :)
My image “Flight Call” was used in the making of the book cover for “The Dark Beloved” by Helen Falconer. I just love how it turned out and am inspired by what the designer created. The book will be released in the UK in June and I am looking forward to getting myself a copy when I visit the UK later this year.
With 2016 in full swing, I am excited and energized by the various goals and dreams I have for myself for this year. Much work is already underway and I look forward to sharing more with you as the year develops.
I have always felt it important to revisit and remind oneself of ones goals and dreams. These lists we make for ourselves should not only be relevant at the beginning and end of every year. It should be a living and breathing entity you visit and care for throughout the year.
My goals and dreams changed drastically in 2015 as my life took on a very different focus. I took a hard look at my life and made many adjustments to my list. One item that remained on my list of goals/dreams for 2015 was to have one of my images licensed as a book cover. I made a commitment to myself to submit at least one image per month. Of course this turned into a bit of a dare to myself and I usually ended up submitting more than just one image per month. This persistence paid off and just before the end of 2015, my dream of licensing an image for a book cover was realized. Tick. And just in time to have created my 2016 list and to expand on this dream.
Remember to tend to your dreams... They require regular love, care and work, but the rewards are tenfold.